Info | Certificates | Projects | Certifying bodies

Certificates for wind turbines

It is a requirement that wind turbines with a rotor area over 5 m2 shall have a valid certificate by no later than the date of putting into service. This is to ensure that wind turbines installed in Denmark are designed and produced in a safe manner.

All issued and unexpired valid certificates for wind turbines are listed in the table below.

Abbreviations used in the column "Category":

  • A: Type certificate
  • SWT-A: Type certificate for a turbine type with a rotor area of max. 200 m2 (Small Wind Turbine)
  • B: Provisional type certificate
  • C: Prototype certificate
  • T: Supplementary certificate


Good to know

The table uses the historical abbreviations for certificate categories.

You can find explanations of the abbreviations in the list above the table.